11 Best Quotes From Netflix's Dark TV Series That Will Blow Your Mind

Best Quotes From Netflix's Dark TV Series

 “The big things and the little things don’t follow the same rules. We won’t be able to change the grand scheme of things… but the details. We change a grain of sand, and with that, the whole world.”

“But every now and then it’s good to question those who question things.”

"Every Decision For Something is a decision against something else."

“The end is the beginning, and the beginning is the end” 

"The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion"

"We’re not free in what we do because we’re not free in what we want. We can’t overcome what’s deep within us."

"There is no such thing as magic, just illusion. Things only change when we change them. But you have to do it skillfully, in secret. Then it seems like magic."

“Most people are nothing but pawns on a chessboard led by an unknown hand”

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